Ana María Restrepo Sierra, Federico Ramirez Gomez, Mats van Tongeren, Laura Sierra Heras, Christophe Danelon. A synthetic cell with integrated DNA self-replication and membrane biosynthesis. Preprint.
Zhanar Abil, Ana María Restrepo Sierra, Andreea R Stan, Amélie Châne, Alicia Del Prado, Miguel de Vega, Yannick Rondelez, Christophe Danelon. Darwinian Evolution of Self-Replicating DNA in a Synthetic Protocell. Nature Communications 2024 ,15(1):9091. (PDF)
Marijn van den Brink, Timotheus Y. Althuis, Christophe Danelon, Nico J. Claassens. MOSAIC: a highly efficient, one-step recombineering approach to plasmid editing and diversification. Preprint.
Abil, Z., Restrepo Sierra, A. M., C. Danelon. Clonal amplification-enhanced gene expression in synthetic vesicles. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2023 (PDF).
Godino, E., C. Danelon. Gene-directed FtsZ ring assembly generates constricted liposomes with stable membrane necks. Advanced Biology. 2023, 7:2200172 (PDF).
Godino, E., A. Doerr, C. Danelon. Min waves without MinC can pattern FtsA-anchored FtsZ filaments on model membranes. Communications Biology. 2022 Jul 7;5:675. (PDF) (bioRxiv).
Godino E, Restrepo Sierra AM, Danelon C. Imaging Flow Cytometry for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Synthetic Cells. ACS Synth Biol. 2023 Jul 21;12(7):2015-2028. (PDF)
Kattan, J., A. Doerr, M. Dogterom, C. Danelon. Shaping liposomes by cell-free expressed bacterial microtubules. ACS Syn. Biol. 10:2447, Oct. 2021. (full text) (bioRxiv).
Van de Cauter, L., F. Fanalista, L. van Buren, N. De Franceschi, E. Godino, S. Bouw, C. Danelon, C. Dekker, G. H. Koenderink, and K. A. Ganzinger. Optimized cDICE for efficient reconstitution of biological systems in giant unilamellar vesicles. ACS Synthetic Biology, 10(7):1690-1702,
Jul. 2021 (full text).
Doerr, A., D. Foschepoth, A.C. Forster, C. Danelon. In vitro synthesis of 32 translation‑factor proteins from a single template reveals impaired ribosomal processivity. Scientific Reports 11:1898, Jan. 2021. (full text).
Abil, Z., and C. Danelon. Roadmap to building a cell: an evolutionary approach. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8:927, Aug. 2020 (full text).
Blanken, D., D. Foschepoth, A. Calaça Serrão, and C. Danelon. Genetically controlled membrane synthesis in liposomes. Nature Communications 11(1):4317, Aug. 2020 (full text) (preprint).
Godino, E., J. Noguera López, I. Zarguit, A. Doerr, M. Jimenez, G. Rivas, and C. Danelon. Cell-free biogenesis of bacterial division proto-rings that can constrict liposomes. Communications Biology. 3:539, Sep. 2020 (full text) (preprint).
Isozaki et al., Intelligent Image-Activated Cell Sorting 2.0. Lab on a Chip 20(13):2263-2273, Jun. 2020 (full text).
Godino E, López JN, Foschepoth D, Cleij C, Doerr A, Castellà CF, Danelon C. De novo synthesized Min proteins drive oscillatory liposome deformation and regulate FtsA-FtsZ cytoskeletal patterns. Nature Communications 10(1):4969, Oct. 2019 (full text).
Soler Cantón, A., N. van den Broek, C. Danelon. Development of a lipid-based delivery system for the chemotherapeutic compound SN-38. Preprint available on
Blanken D, van Nies P, Danelon C. Quantitative imaging of gene-expressing liposomes reveals rare favorable phenotypes. Physical Biology 16(4):045002, Apr. 2019 (full text).
Doerr A, de Reus E, van Nies P, van der Haar M, Wei K, Kattan J, Wahl A, Danelon C. Modelling cell-free RNA and protein synthesis with minimal systems. Physical Biology 16(2):025001, Jan. 2019 (full text).
Van Nies, P., I. Westerlaken, D. Blanken, M. Salas, M. Mencia and C. Danelon. Self-replication of DNA by its encoded proteins in liposome-based synthetic cells. Nature Communications 9:1583, Apr. 2018 (full text).
Anella, F., and C. Danelon. Prebiotic factors influencing the activity of a ligase ribozyme. Life 6;7(2). pii: E17, Apr. 2017, (full text).
Scott, A., M. J. Noga, P. de Graaf, I. Westerlaken, E. Yildirim and C. Danelon. Cell-free phospholipid biosynthesis by gene-encoded enzymes reconstituted in liposomes. PLoS One. 11(10):e0163058, Oct. 2016 (full text).
Chakrova, N., A. Soler Canton, C. Danelon, S. Stallinga, and B. Rieger. Adaptive illumination reduces photobleaching in structured illumination microscopy. Biomed. Opt. Express 7(10), 4263-4274, Sep. 2016 (full text).
Anella, F., and C. Danelon. Reconciling Ligase Ribozyme Activity With Fatty Acid Vesicle Stability. Life 4 (4): 929-943, Dec. 2014 (full text).
Van Nies, P., A. Soler Canton, Z. Nourian, and C. Danelon. Monitoring mRNA and Protein Levels in Bulk and in Model Vesicle-Based Artificial Cells. Methods in Enzymology 550:187-214, Jan. 2015 (full text).
Nourian, Z., Scott A., and C. Danelon. Toward the Assembly of a Minimal Divisome. Systems and Synthetic Biology 8 (3): 237-247, Sep. 2014 (full text).
Van Nies, P., Z. Nourian, M. Kok, R. van Wijk, J. Moeskops, I. Westerlaken, J. M. Poolman, R. Eelkema, J. H. van Esch, Y. Kuruma, T. Ueda, and C. Danelon. Unbiased Tracking of the Progression of mRNA and Protein Synthesis in Bulk and inside Lipid Vesicles. ChemBioChem, 14 (15): 1963-1966, Oct. 2013 (full text).
Nourian, Z., and C. Danelon. Linking Genotype and Phenotype in Protein Synthesizing Liposomes with External Supply of Resources. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2 (4): 186-193, Jan. 2013 (full text).
Nourian, Z., W. Roelofsen, and C. Danelon. Triggered Gene Expression in Fed-Vesicle Microreactors with a Multifunctional Membrane. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51 (13): 3114-3118, Mar. 2012 (full text).